Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 4 by Kevin!

One of the lit­tle perks of the job

The Mon­day morn­ing ìheads of depart­men­tî meet­ing had been a strained affair.


As the U.K. divi­sion of a Nor­we­gian com­pa­ny we were seen as the for­ward line for their for­ay into Eng­land ñ but busi­ness had not been good. Falling sales and low staff morale had been fol­lowed by a num­ber of redundancies.


It was rumoured that my ex-boss, Jack Pey­ton, had been ìen­cour­agedî to take ear­ly retire­ment. Nobody knew for sure as he sim­ply did­nít come back to work one day. I had been pro­mot­ed to take his place but we all sus­pect­ed that none of our jobs were very secure.


As the meet­ing was draw­ing to a close, we were intro­duced to the new head of the divi­sion, Miss Elsa Sven­son. She had been brought in from the com­pa­nyís Nor­we­gian head office to try and turn around the for­tunes of the U.K. operation.

Sto­ries of her amaz­ing suc­cess in re-invig­o­rat­ing fail­ing oper­a­tions were leg­endary. It was rumoured that her meth­ods were ìun­con­ven­tion­alî ñ but that was as much as any­one seemed to know about her. 

After the intro­duc­tion, Miss Sven­son addressed the room ì I will be meet­ing† with all depart­ment heads in the course of the next week ñ please ensure that you are avail­able for these meet­ings. A list of times will be emailed to you by my sec­re­tary, Ane­mar­ja , lat­er todayî

My inter­view was not sched­uled until 2.00 pm Wednes­day, so I put it to the back of my mind until then.

When Wednes­day arrived, I asked my col­league, Jeff, the head of acqui­si­tions, about his impres­sions of the new boss.

He looked dis­tinct­ly uncom­fort­able with the mem­o­ry of his recent meet­ing with her and his answer was non-com­mi­tal ì ErÖ.I think Iíll let you find out for your­self mateî 

As I pressed him for fur­ther info, he just said, with an embar­rased laugh† ìjust make sure you have a book stuffed down the back of your trousers before you go and see herî

I laughed at his joke and said…îYeah right ! bit strict is she?î

Jeff did­nít answer ñ just looked like he want­ed to be some­where else.

After lunch I was very busy and I lost track of the time. I was con­cen­trat­ing on a new prod­uct launch when I sud­den­ly realised that Miss Sven­son was stand­ing behind me look­ing over my shoul­der at the fig­ures I was work­ing on.

I looked up and she smiled and said ìI believe we had a meet­ing at 2 Oíclock Kevin, itís near­ly 2.30 now and I donít like to be kept waitingî

ìOh Iím sor­ry, I got tied up with work, could we pos­si­bly make it anoth­er time?î

ìYes, after work tonight then, my office at six-thir­ty sharp, please donít be lateî

I felt a bit uneasy at what was quite obvi­ous­ly an order and not a request, but I decid­ed that con­fronta­tion was not the best course, espe­cial­ly giv­en the cur­rent job situation.

ìErÖyes of course Miss Sven­son, Iíll be there well on timeî 

Miss Sven­son smiled, nod­ded her head slight­ly and, I could hard­ly believe this but she said ìgood boyî to me. ìGood Boyî !?! I was out­raged, how dare she patro­n­ise me like that !

At 6.15 I was wait­ing uneasi­ly out­side the new bossí office . I real­ly could­nít afford to lose this job what with the wife and kids and all our cur­rent mon­ey trou­bles. So basi­cal­ly I knew that if she told me to jump I would say ìYes maíam, and how high would you like that to be?î

Miss Sven­sonís sec­re­tary, Ane­mar­ja, smiled at me as I sat fid­get­ing in my chair. 

ìMiss Sven­son will be with you soon, she is very keen to talk to youî 

I tried to smile and said in a jokey way ìOne of my col­leagues sug­gest­ed that I put a book down the back of my trousers before see­ing herî 

Ane­mar­ja grinned and said† ìthatís not good advice, sheíll only make you take your trousers off, then she would find the book and youíd be in even more trou­ble would­nít you?î

I blinked at that, but obvi­ous­ly she was just join­ing in the joke. How­ev­er I felt even less at ease† ñ was this woman real­ly that scary?

The inter­com buzzed and after a few sec­onds Ane­mar­ja said ìyou can go in now Kevinî

I opened the door and walked into what had been Jack Pey­tonís office. But it had been changed (when ? He had been using this office right up till the Mon­day before last) 

As I stood in front of Miss Sven­sonís desk I glanced around at the new dÈcorÖ.very Scan­di­na­vian. At least how I would imag­ine a Scan­di­na­vian decor hav­ing nev­er been to any coun­tries in that part of the world. 

Quite a wel­com­ing office actuallyÖ.

As I stood there, won­der­ing if I would be invit­ed to sit down. Miss Sven­son con­tin­ued read­ing the report in front of her. 

With a start,†† I realised that it was the sales fig­ures for the last quar­ter year. Judg­ing by the grim set of her mouth and the shak­ing of her head I came to the con­clu­sion that she was­nít impressed by the fig­ures, not one lit­tle bit.

ìWell Kevin, Iíd like you to explain to me the rea­son for the appalling sales fig­ures for this last quarter?î

I splut­tered a bit and said ìwell the econ­o­my is notÖ..î

She raised her hand for me to be silen­tÖ­so I stopped talking. 

ìThe econ­o­my is awful all over the world Kevin, but many of our offices are per­form­ing extreme­ly well. So what oth­er rea­sons can you give me for the dras­tic fall in sales over the last three months?. Espe­cial­ly giv­en your depart­men­tís excel­lent record before thatî

I did­nít know what to say. So I just sat there mute and feel­ing rather ner­vous of what was com­ing next, I was pret­ty sure that it was going to be the sack.

ìPos­si­bly you, as the head of depart­ment, need some new motivation?î

I decid­ed that I had to defend myself, but even to me it sound­ed like I was whinging.

ìWell, there has been some prob­lems with the new prod­ucts andÖ..î

ìEx­cus­es, excusesÖ..Kevin, letís not start off on the wrong foot hereî 

ìI actu­al­ly think you have the poten­tial to be an excel­lent Sales leader in this com­pa­ny. But I think that per­haps you are lack­ing a firm hand guid­ing you and I am cer­tain that I am just the per­son to pro­vide thatî

She con­tin­ued ìI have insti­gat­ed some excel­lent tech­niques in our oth­er offices, that have improved pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and increased sales by 25% and often even more. I think that you will ben­e­fit great­ly from themÖI sug­gest that we apply these meth­ods to your­self right away, agreed?î

I was­nít sure if Miss Sven­son actu­al­ly want­ed an answer or just my agree­ment, but as I had thought that I was about to be fired ñ I grabbed this life­line with both hands.

ìThat sounds like a great idea bossî 

ìEx­cel­lent, excel­lent ! î ñ she tapped the inter­com ìAne­mar­ja, we have anoth­er can­di­date for our short, sharp ‚shock moti­va­tion­al train­ing pro­gramme, could you bring in the imple­ments please?î

Short, sharp shock !?!, Imple­ments ?!? , I did­nít like the sound of any of that.

Ane­mar­ja, her face beam­ing with delight (at what?)† came into the office car­ry­ing a large black holdall. 

She indi­cat­ed a door on the right hand side of Miss Sven­sonís office and said ìPlease come into the admin­is­tra­tion room Kevinî 

The ìad­min­is­tra­tionî room was basi­cal­ly a very big cup­board in which my pre­vi­ous boss had kept all the sta­tionery etc that he need­ed. He actu­al­ly called it a ìsta­tionery cup­boardî Ö.far more appro­pri­ate name for a place you keep sta­tionery I would have thought !

As I walked in I could see that there was no sign of any sta­tionery. The room had been cleared out the only items now in there were what looked like a vault­ing horse, right in the mid­dle of the room, and a cou­ple of chairs. 

Ane­mar­ja placed the bag near to the wall on the right and pro­ceed­ed to take out a num­ber of items, the first looked like a table ten­nis bat, the sec­ond like a large belt and the third was undoubt­ed­ly a thick school-type cane. She placed these on and across the two chairs which were side by side against the wall.

As I looked, some­what ner­vous­ly, at these items, Ane­mar­ja came over to me and said ìKevin, you must take off all of your clothes and then posi­tion your­self over the spank­ing horse, Miss Sven­son and I will be with you in a few momentsî 

I sus­pect­ed that Ane­mar­ja liked a joke so I nod­ded and said ìyeah right ! , I sup­pose your both going to whack me with the ìImplementsî

She smiled back and said ìThat is cor­rect, now please pre­pare yourselfî

I realised that she was­nít jok­ing and said ìyou canít be seri­ous !î

I had­nít noticed Miss Sven­son enter the room behind us, but she now spoke ìWe are being per­fect­ly seri­ous Kevin. Many stud­ies, and our own expe­ri­ence, have shown that reg­u­lar cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment is one of the most effec­tive ways to moti­vate peo­ple. It helps them to focus on their work and makes them feel valuedî 

ìNo way!î I shout­ed, ìI want no part of thisî 

ìVery well,thatís your choice,† Ane­mar­ja, please arrange for Kev­inís P45 and final wages to be here for tomor­row lunch time ñ he will be leav­ing us at the end of the dayî 

For the first time since I had met Ane­mar­ja she was with­out a smile, in fact, she looked crest­fall­en to hear this. She said ìBut Miss Sven­son, he just needs a lit­tle per­sua­sion, Iím sure I can talk him round to the ideaî

But Miss Sven­son was adamant ìNo, I donít have time for this, we must press on with the changes and any­more obsta­cles will just slow us downî

Ane­mar­ja looked at me a lit­tle sheep­ish­ly and said ìO.K. Kevin, I will take you through to my office and start the dis­missal proceduresî

I could­nít believe my ears, I looked at Miss Sven­son† ìYouíre fir­ing me?î

ìWhy yes of course, Kevin, my meth­ods work and any­one who con­tin­ues to work for me will be sub­ject to these meth­ods, no excep­tions, isnít that right Anemarja?


ìYes, I have been work­ing for Miss Sven­son for 5 years and I have been moti­vat­ed at least once a month since I began. It is one of the lit­tle perks of the jobî 

I just stood, mouth gap­ing, not believ­ing my ears. I mim­ic­ked Ane­mar­ja† ìLit­tle perks of the job?!, are you mad !î

Ane­mar­ja looked direct­ly at me, beseechingly.

She said gen­tly† ìLook Kevin , Miss Sven­son does get amaz­ing results with these meth­ods, and you nev­er know, you might actu­al­ly like itÖ.do you know that there are hun­dreds of men and women in the world who pay oth­ers to dis­ci­pline them in the same way that you could be get­ting for free? They see it as one of the great plea­sures of their livesÖ.And Kevin, sure­ly itís bet­ter than get­ting the sack?î

ìI wonít get sacked, Iíll have you both up in front of an indus­tri­al tri­bunal for thisî I splut­tered ñ ìthis would be con­struc­tive dismissalî 

To my utter dis­be­lief, Miss Sven­son laughed out loud.

ìAwÖKevin, and what would you tell them? That your strict boss sacked you because you would­nít let her smack your bottom?ÖI mean, are you real­ly going to stand up in a room full of peo­ple and say that? Who on earth would believe you? You would be laughed out of the room !î

She con­tin­uedÖîI would just tell them that sad­ly your work just was­nít up to scratch and I had to let you goÖbut that I will, of course, give you an excel­lent ref­er­ence for your next jobî 

I said ìbut the jobs mar­ket is ter­ri­ble at the momentÖ.it could be months before I find some­thing and even then I doubt if it would pay as well as this jobÖ.î

Miss Sven­son shrugged her shoul­ders and said kind­ly ìI know, but maybe youíll get lucky KevinÖ.you nev­er knowî

Silence descend­ed on the room, both Miss Sven­son and Ane­mar­ja looked at me with gen­tle kind­ness,† I was pret­ty sure that this was­nít the first time they had been in this posi­tion.† They knew that a man would­nít sub­mit to some­thing so alien to him with­out at least putting up a struggle.

My mind was in over­drive. What if I lose this job, what will the wife say? How will I pay the mort­gage? Sure­ly itís worth play­ing their sil­ly games just to stay in work. And how would I actu­al­ly explain why I came to leave this job when I was being inter­viewed for another?

So against all my bet­ter instincts and judge­ment, I found myself say­ing †ìO.K. I donít seem to have a choice. Iíll give it a tryî

ìEx­cel­lent Kevin, get your­self ready now, and we will be back in a minuteî 

So reluc­tant­ly I stripped every­thing off and draped myself over the spank­ing horse, it was cold leather, and it creaked when­ev­er I moved. 

After about 5 min­utes the door opened and I heard them both come into the room.

ìAne­mar­jaÖy­ou know how I like my boys and girls preparedÖ.î Said Miss Svenson

ìOf course Miss Sven­son, I will get him secured and nice­ly warmed up for youî

Ane­mar­ja said to me† ìgo far enough for­ward on the horse so that you are on tip toes Kev­inî As I obeyed she pro­ceed­ed to tie sev­er­al leather straps attached to the horse around my waist, the tops of my legs and then final­ly around my ankles.

So I was effec­tive­ly forced to stand on tip toes from then on.

I could feel that this was mak­ing my but­tocks stretch and I guessed that this was why it had been done. 

ìKev­inî she said ìI am going to give you 40 slaps with the pad­dleî at which point she stepped for­ward and waved the table ten­nis bat in front of my face, except I could now see that it was actu­al­ly made of leather and that† ìAne­mar­jaî had been burned onto the face of it.

She then took up a posi­tion behind me and rest­ed her left hand on my back. I could only just see her feet and I noticed that she had tak­en her shoes offÖ..

Then the first slap hit my right but­tock and I said ìOwî loudlyÖ..I heard a delight­ed laugh from Ane­mar­ja just before the next slap hit my left buttockÖ..and thatís how it went, right cheek , ìow!î left cheek, ìyowch!î right cheek, ìeek!î† left cheek, ìyikes!î it seemed to go on for­ev­er. And Ane­mar­ja was obvi­ous­ly enjoy­ing every minute of it, as she gig­gled almost through­out the entire beating.

And as it went on I start­ed to feel a love­ly warmth flow­ing through me and grad­u­al­ly I realised that I did­nít actu­al­ly want it to stop.

But even­tu­al­ly it did stop, and after I had lain there qui­et­ly for a few sec­onds, Ane­mar­ja slapped me on the bum with her hand and laughed as she saidÖ.îHow you feel­ing Kevin? Still pre­fer to be sacked?î

And I did­nít even have to think about my answer before it was out ìNo, actu­al­ly it was wonderfulî

Ane­mar­ja laughed again and walked over to the far wall ñ she winked at me and smiled again as she leaned against the wallÖ

Now Miss Sven­son took up a posi­tion behind meÖÖ 

She said ìNow that Ane­mar­ja has warmed you up for me Kevin, we are going to raise the stakes a littleÖ.I am going to admin­is­ter 15 strokes with the strap before we fin­ish off with 6 nice hard strokes with the caneÖ.how does that sound to you eh?î

And I swear that it was out of my mouth with­out me even hav­ing to think about it, I said ìThat would be love­ly MissÖ.î

I heard a grunt of laugh­ter from Ane­mar­ja and I glanced up at her ñ but she was look­ing direct­ly at Miss Sven­son with a look that said ìheís oursÖwe got himî 

But I did­nít say a word, because I sud­den­ly realised that I tru­ly want­ed to be there and I want­ed to know what the strap and the cane would feel like. 

As I was think­ing all this the strap land­ed with a large ìthwackî right across both of my buttocksÖ.

I actu­al­ly gasped for breath and said ìIím not sure about his Missî 

Just as the sec­ond thwack land­edÖÖI felt my eyes start to water and I still felt a bit breathless. 

After 15, my back­side was throb­bingÖor burn­ing, or, I donít know what real­ly. But it was warm and as the warmth increased I start­ed to feel real­ly mel­low and relaxed. 

Miss Sven­son said ìwe are going to give you a lit­tle rest now Kevin, please relax for a whileî 

ìYes mis­sî I murmered.

With that they left the roomÖ.and I just lay there feelingÖ..well bril­liant if I am honest. 

I must have lain there for about 2 min­utes before they came back into the room.

ìKevin, both Amemar­ja and I are very impressed by how youíve tak­en your pun­ish­ment so farÖ.but we both feel that maybe we should end it there though, espe­cial­ly as this is your first timeî

I splut­tered ìOh no Miss, please, you said I would get the cane as well, I can take it, tru­ly I canî I looked plead­ing­ly back and forth between Ane­mar­ja and Miss Svenson.

She said ìIím not sure that youíre ready for the cane Kevin, itís a very pow­er­ful tool and you need to be bro­ken to it grad­u­al­ly, your bot­tom is already look­ing extreme­ly red , it may cut if I cane youî 

ìI donít mind !î I shout­ed, ìI want to prove to you both that I can take itî

Miss Sven­son said with a laugh in her voice ìBut if I cut you Kevin, wonít you take me to an indus­tri­al tri­bunal and say how I tor­tured you?î

ìNev­er Miss, I would nev­er do that, Iíll sign any­thing you like, any disclaimerî

Silence descend­ed upon the room as I was des­per­ate­ly wait­ed for them to make their decisionÖ..

Miss Sven­son seemed to make her mind up in an instantÖ.

She said to Ane­ma­jra† ìI think he needs thisî Ane­mar­ja nod­ded and Miss Sven­son walked over to the chairsÖ.she picked up the caneÖ..she walked back behind meÖ.

The first stroke land­ed, and it stung and it took my breath away, and I wrig­gled and my eyes watered. Every stroke was just won­der­ful and the antic­i­pa­tion, and the fear, of the next stroke was even betterÖ..

And, far too soon it was over and I just lay there pant­i­ng and feel­ing ÖincredibleÖ.

As I lay there both ladies left the room again. 

In a few min­utes Ane­mar­ja came back in and went once again to the holdall, from which she extract­ed a jar of something.

She smiled at me as she walked behind me and then I was stunned as she start­ed to rub some­thing cool and sooth­ing onto my bottomÖ..îyou did­nít cut Kevin, you did very well, but this will soothe the pain for youî 

And as I was approach­ing what must have been some­thing akin to ecsta­cy I mur­mured ìthank you Missî

And pre­dictably, Ane­mar­ja just laughed.

I said to Miss Sven­son as she came in ìWill I get this again same time next month boss?î

ìThat depends on the sales fig­ures Kevinî

ìIf theyíre worse Iíll get a hard­er beating?î

ìOh no, if theyíre worse youíll get no beat­ing at all Kevin. You see the pun­ish­ment is not the beat­ing. The pun­ish­ment is that next time you come here with your month­ly sales fig­ures. If I donít see an improve­ment then you wonít be going over our lit­tle spank­ing horse here. But if there is an increase in sales fig­ures ñ then we will give you a slight­ly hard­er beat­ing next timeÖ.now wonít† that be nice?î

And they had meÖ­com­plete­lyÖI just splut­tered ìYes Miss, I will make sure my fig­ures are so much bet­ter next monthÖ.I promiseî 

They both laughed. Ane­mar­ja unstrapped me from the horse and said ìWe will leave you to get dressed now Kevinî 

As I got dressed I felt euphor­ic, like noth­ing I had ever expe­ri­enced before. I want­ed to be back in this room as soon as possible. 

I left the office and walked past Miss Sven­sonís desk. She was sit­ting behind the desk study­ing some paperwork. 

ìGood­night bossî I said. 

ìNight Kevin, and donít be late tomor­row, I deduct strokes for days late you knowî 

ìI wonít bossî

ìGood boyî she saidÖand for some rea­son, now it did­nít seem in the least bit patronising. 

I walked out and past Ane­mar­jaís deskÖ..she was also work­ing on something. 

I had to ask ìAne­mar­ja, has Miss Sven­son actu­al­ly ever fired any­one who refused to try her moti­va­tion­al techniques?î

Anje­mar­ja looked at me sad­ly and said ìOh yes, in fact your pre­vi­ous boss was seen by her a month before she took over his job.She offered him the same moti­va­tion as your­self but he refused and decid­ed to accept ear­ly retire­ment insteadî 

I was astound­ed ìJack Pey­ton you mean?î

ìYesî she said wist­ful­ly ìhe seemed like such a nice man, and that was very sad„„I mean I nev­er got to spank himÖ and he had such a sweet lit­tle bottomÖ..î

I was gob­s­macked ìEr Ane­mar­ja, he did lose his job !î

To her cred­it, Ane­mar­ja did look a lit­tle shame­faced ìWell, I mean of course thatís ter­ri­ble ñ I did­nít mean itís awful just because I did­nít get to spank himî 

She looked me straight in the eyes and said ì But I cer­tain­ly hope to see you next month Kevin, work hard and Iíll be able to spank you again, and Miss Sven­son says that I might get to cane you next time, now wonít that be lovely?î

ìCanít wait Mis­sî I said.

She laughed again.

I said to her† ìyou real­ly love it donít youÖ.I mean the spanking?î

ìOf course Kevin, itís just like I told you , itís one of the lit­tle perks of the jobî

ìAnd you know what Kevin? There are 290 staff mem­bers in the U.K. divi­sion, so I think that Iím going to need a new pad­dle before long, donít you?î

ìIíll get you one for your birthdayÖ..î

ìAwÖKevin, thatís very sweet of you, but Iím not sure that your wife would approve of you buy­ing a spank­ing pad­dle for the strict lady in your office…do you?î

I just know that my face red­dened up to match my behind at this remark, so I said ìbye then Ane­mar­jaî and depart­ed, swiftly.

And she was laugh­ing loud­ly as I walked away.

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